Kate on the Daily
Every so often, an unplanned project created as a playful pastime can turn into a platform of inspiration.
Every so often, an unplanned project created as a playful pastime can turn into a platform of inspiration.
Kate Lewis, owner of The Speech Path in Perry, began a spontaneous long-term adventure when she
created @KateontheDaily on Instagram. The page began as a carefree activity for Kate that quickly developed into something much more. “I piddled around a little bit before I started really doing it with intention,” Kate tells me.
About 10 years ago, Kate says she was a mom blogger who wrote funny antidotes about family and everyday life. “I’m not creative with my hands but I do like words,” she says. With the shift of popular online social platforms, Kate left the blogging world and later joined Instagram. “When I first started this, I didn’t have a trajectory,” she admits. “I truly just did it because it was something fun to do.”
Kate admits that she initially struggled to find her niche within the platform. “I couldn’t really find my people,” she shares. To combat this, Kate began creating the content she herself longed to see. “I post inspirational things that might make you laugh, things you might find interesting. It very much has a mid-life aspect,” she says.
Kate posts things like, “Once I learned there is no age limit on making life fun, everything changed. Worries withered, days got brighter and, I swear, I’m sleeping better.” She encourages followers on things she once needed reminding. “Entering new phases of life can feel like learning to walk again,” one post says. “But ya know what? It’s fine! You’re fine! We’re fine!”
Followers were quickly enamored by Kate and her candid outlook on life. Kate muses, “Some people were drawn to it early on because of that. There’s no ulterior motive, I wasn’t hired to sell anything.” Viewers can absorb Kate’s witty content without feeling targeted or pressured into buying unwanted products.
With every online post, Kate considers the person on the other end of her content. While Kate herself is approaching 50, the page’s followers include a wide range of women of all ages. “If you’re insecure at 16,” Kate says, “it doesn’t feel a whole lot different than when you’re insecure at 65.” Because of this, anyone can draw inspiration from Kate’s daily encouragements.
“I have an avatar in mind when I write,” she says. “It is a female who may have school-aged children and
she is just pulled in a lot of different directions and has a hard time remembering who she is.” Whether insecure about the baby weight you have not been able to lose or simply feeling like there is not enough time in the day to even brush your teeth, Kate applauds your efforts as a loving mother simply doing the best she can.
Appealing to the many women out there who fit this description, Kate’s posts provide a comforting outlet to let these women know that they are not alone. From the 20-something-year- old moms whose children are starting kindergarten to the mid-life empty nesters, Kate on the Daily serves as a friendly reality check that no one is living the picture-perfect life we all post about online.
Kate talks about navigating the negative effect some online consumption can have on our self-esteem. “I love to try to encourage people to do what interests them, motivates them and inspires them as opposed to keeping up with the Jones’,” she says. Determined to keep it positive and upbeat, Kate on the Daily leaves you feeling empowered for the day ahead.
Kate talks about the feeling of inadequacy we all face throughout our life. Attesting that these feelings do not diminish with time, Kate says, “[Insecurity] is not something you age out of.” Knowing this, she encourages women to be confident in whom they are at every stage of life.
While remaining true to her values and beliefs, Kate talks about her faith and the role it plays in her life and consequently her content. From the beginning of this project, she says, “I knew I wanted to encourage people and try to write semi-entertaining, but inspiring content for people to read and refer back to. But as I started writing those it was hard for me not to bring my faith into that.”
When you hold your faith near to your heart, you cannot share your heart without sharing your faith. “If
I’m writing about fear, well the way I combat fear is praying and scripture,” Kate says. Therefore, how could she not share her faith when trying to encourage others?
However, it is not easy to proclaim your faith knowing that once you do so, others might hold you to a higher standard. “That took courage for me to start writing about openly,” Kate admits. At first, posting about the Lord was more difficult than sharing the raw truths of motherhood. But she knew she would be doing her followers a disservice by hiding this very important part of her life.
In many ways, Kate’s content highlights the beauty that is found in the hardships. Whether sharing a video of her dropping raw eggs on the kitchen floor or addressing the unglamorous aspects of shopping with your spouse, she shows her followers that it is acceptable and even necessary to have these moments. “I want people to know we really are just doing the best we can,” she says.
Kate carries this perspective into every corner of her life. As a business owner, she appreciates the efforts of The Speech Path team and encourages them in the same way she encourages others. “My primary responsibility is just to maintain a great place for people to work,” she says. The energy she brings into the workplace creates a comfortable environment for them all.
Kate plans to continue her adventures with Kate on the Daily so long as it brings people joy. As Kate says
online, “You are what you think! So think happy thoughts. And instead of just thinking, KNOW you are beautiful, capable, smart and here for more than just unloading the dishwasher.”
Women all over applaud Kate’s relatable content and appreciate her everyday tips and tricks. When you feel scared or alone, it is a comfort to know that someone has walked in your shoes. In the meantime, find the little joys life offers every day and know that you will not only survive, you will thrive.